Medium 1 / 10 Which dental professional specializes in treating diseases of the pulp and nerve issues? Orthodontist Endodontist Prosthodontist Periodontist 2 / 10 What is the term for the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth? Gingivitis Periodontitis Stomatitis Pericoronitis 3 / 10 What is the purpose of fluoride in toothpaste? Whitening teeth Preventing cavities Eliminating bad breath Strengthening gums 4 / 10 Which type of dental X-ray provides a comprehensive view of the upper and lower jaw? Bitewing X-ray Panoramic X-ray Periapical X-ray Occlusal X-ray 5 / 10 What is the technical term for a "dry socket" after a tooth extraction? Alveolar osteitis Fibrinolysis Osteomyelitis Hyperemia 6 / 10 What is the purpose of a dental bridge? Closing gaps between teeth Extracting wisdom teeth Replacing missing teeth Teeth whitening 7 / 10 What is the term for a dental cavity? Caries Abrasion Attrition Abfraction 8 / 10 Which type of toothbrush is generally recommended for individuals with braces? Electric toothbrush Soft-bristled manual toothbrush Medium-bristled manual toothbrush Hard-bristled manual toothbrush 9 / 10 What is the primary cause of sensitive teeth? Tartar buildup Enamel erosion Plaque formation Tooth grinding 10 / 10 What is the purpose of a dental crown? Teeth whitening Restoring a decayed tooth Replacing a missing tooth Fixing misaligned teeth Your score is The average score is 64% 0% Restart quiz